Hi, I’m Amanda.
I’m a writer. I’m an introvert. I read tarot cards and practice breathwork and love to jump in the freezing cold Irish sea. I’m a geek, a feminist, an activist, and queer.
I’m a reader. Like, a total bookworm. I live and breathe words and love to marvel at the creativity of others and witness their worlds come alive.
I love to go on adventures. Whether that’s around Northern Ireland or further away, sign me up. We have so much of this beautiful world to explore and I want to see it. Slowly. With intention.
I have long craved a space that is wholly mine. Where I can share my words, my feelings, my thoughts, my dreams, my books, my creativity, and bare parts of my soul. With Steady, As She Goes, I’m finally making that happen.
My words are for me, but maybe they are for you, too.
I love you. Thank you for finding your way here.